Blog Post #1: Secret Artist

Blog Post #1: Secret Artist

Some people have known me many years without knowing about this creative side of me.  So where did it come from?

The truth is, I have always been an artist deep down.  

Rewind to my childhood.  I grew up in a neighborhood in Baltimore County that had been built in the 60s and 70s.  By the time I came around in the early 80s, most of the children that had populated that neighborhood were grown and gone or already in college like my brother and sister.  A near total ban on television and Barbies (thanks, MOM… TRULY!) meant a lot of hours of imaginative play and later lots of books and my best friend, the pencil and paper.   

You would have found the back of every notebook filled with drawings.  My mom gave me a stack of scrap paper to fill with drawings.  And draw I did.  Lots of faces.  Lots of girls.  Lots of animals.   

I’ll tell you more about why I decided against an art career in the next post, but the point is God has answered the most secret prayer of my heart by allowing me the grace to have that time to paint now. 



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